Saturday 17 September 2011

I've Been Baking...!

These are some of my creations... in my cupcake mania, I ended up making 40 cupcakes! 
Here are a selection. 
Molly -x-

Someone's been baking...!

So I had the Bake Craze today.
Here are just some of my creations...
They sell for £1.50 each, they are plain/vanilla/chocolate/orange cakes with plain/vanilla/choc chip/glitter/orange/oreo butter icing!
My whole family love them, and I'm sure your family will too!
If anyone wants any other info on what goes into Chameleon Cupcakes, don't be afraif to contact me through e-mail or comment!
Molly -x-

Hummingbird Bakery

Hummingbird Bakery is the bakery that initially fueled my passion for making cakes.
For my GCSE food tech project I had to make a selection of small party cakes like cupcakes, or Whoopie pies.
You may or may not have heard of Hummingbird, but take my advice and try one of their delicious cakes. Their actual bakery is in London, but you can also buy online and have them delivered in a beautiful box to your door. Here are a gallery of my favourite Cupcakes from Hummingbird.

Strawberry milkshake

Cherry cola-float

Cotton candy

Jam donut


black bottom

red velvet


 I think you have to admit that these are absolutley gorgeous and you cannot leave the world without having tried one.
hummingbirdbakery is so amazing at making cakes that I  based my GCSE food tech around it.
So go on...  try one.... you know you want to!!!
Hallo, Hola, Bonjour, Namaste, ciào, salut, hoezit,  Aloha, Jambo, Mambo! 
Welcome to my new blog! 
My name is Molly, I am a student in England. 
Recently, after doing Food Technology GCSE, I realised how much I love to cook. 
One day, I would love to open my own bakery, and I think I would call it chameleon cupcakes! 
Please keep checking back, 
would love to here from you, but wait a bit until I have my blog up and running with some gorgeous looking cupcakes!
check out my fashion blog too, @ . 
lots of love, 
Molly xox